
Monday, February 26, 2018

Etude House "Bubble Pore Cleansing Patch"

Etude House "Bubble Pore Cleansing Patch"

by Rosalie


Hi Lovelies,
wich season is your favourite?
I love spring and fall, but winter, especially this cold winter is driving me crazy. Ok, I know there are places in the world where it is much more cold, but I cant stand this for to long. This weekend we had -14°C!!!! We went out for a short walk and after this I was frozen. 

I need to really look out for my skincare. It is horrible!!
(Just want to update you about my everyday problems... huuu.)

To calm down I love to do face masks. Just a while ago I  ordered a bunch of different face patches from Etude House and todax I wanna show you one of them because I really liked it! <3

It is the "Bubble Pore Cleansing Patch". It is supposed to help against blackheads on your nose especially, but of course can be used on other spots on your face. In general it should clean the skin where it is used.




I odered the product at the Etude House Global Store but it is also available at other shop's.

The mask came out with a line of some other mask's. We wrote about them on a other blogpost:

Blogpost: masks masks masks (click for link!)

To use the mask you need to cleanse your face and towel dry it. After that you onl need to put the patch out of the packaging and put it onto your face. The shape of the patch is perfect for my nose, really big outlining. It catches a big spot on my face. I putted it onto my nose part and left it on for 10 minutes. 

just putted the mask out of the packaging

applied onto my nose area

In this time the liquid in the patch started to bubble like crazy. It felt like something is working on my skin, but it was nothing bad and it doesn't hurt. I removed the patch after the time and massaged the leftover bubbles into my skin. After all of the bubble/liquid was absorbed fro my skin I washed my face again with water and applyed a moisturizing mask. 

after 10 minutes, see all the bubbles! *__*


The leftover bubbles on my skin after I have removed the patch.

I really could see how clean my skin was on the part where the mask was. AMAZING! It worked so much better than other black head strips I have used since now.

Do you have some nice products against blackheads? Please show them I really want to try out some more things! <3

I hope this review was helpfull for you.
If you still have any questions feel free to ask! <33

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